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Plant Sale Monday 16th March under $10 in DAVOREN PARK, South Australia for sale

Plant Sale Monday 16th March under $10
Plant Sale Monday 16th March under $10
Plant Sale Monday 16th March under $10
Plant Sale Monday 16th March under $10

Plant sale today Monday the 16th March . We have small potted colour at $2.50 each or 5 for $10. We have a variety of succulents at $4 each or 3 for $10. Also have medium sized pots with shrubs, at $5 each, Then we have our well established plants such as agave gum trees, spider plants, salvias at $10 each, All are healthy well cared for plants.
So come grab a bargain today beingMonday the 16th March.At 153 Peachey Rd Davoren Park. Thank You, you will see the cheap plant sign out the front :)